Richland Co., Ohio


Tax Records

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Richland County Property Taxes - Taxpayers, 1828

Springfield Township  (Range 19, Township 21)

source:  Richland County List of Property Subject To Taxation, 1828

Useful resources:  See the range map in our map section and the 1873 and 1896 Plat Books for more info. on Township Numbers and Sections

R = Range  |  T = Township  |  S = Section

ne = northeast  |  nw = northwest  |  se = southeast  |  sw = southwest

hf = half  |  qr = quarter  |  pt = part  |  sec = section  |  cor = corner

* If you would like more information about a particular entry on this page, please e-mail with the NAME of the taxpayer, the tax YEAR. the TOWNSHIP and the REFERENCE NUMBER below the chart.  Use the phrase "Property Tax Lookup" in the subject line of your e-mail please.

Owner's Name Section Quarter
Arter, George 6 pt sec
Adrain, John 14 sw
Atwood, Nathaniel 24
Appleman, James 27 nw
Armstrong, James 26 sw
Allison, Andrew 36 sw
Alexander, James 2 sw
Arthur, Henry 6 e side sec
Barrow, Edward 10 w½ ne
Billber, John 5 se


8 sw
Barnes, Joseph 21 pt se
Bowers, Jeremiah 33 s pt nw
Brownlee, William 26
Beach, Joshua 13 sw
Beach, Jonathan 13 w½ sw


13 w cor sw
Black, James 25 sw
Culler, Henry 18
Coffinberry, George 1 se


1 e pt sw
Condon, Richard 2 ne


2 nw
Crouch, Robert 19 nw


Culler, Michael 3 ne
Carson, James 7
Caldwell, James 8 n½ nw
Coffinberry, Andrew 7 ne
Crabb, Henry 22 e½ ne
Chambers, Andrew 29 ne
Church, William 33 ne
Chambers, John 26 nw
Church, Asa 33 ne cor nw
Cook, Hiram 27 w pt se
Culver, John 24 s½ ne
Casebeer, Nathan 12 s½ se
Casebear, John 12 s½ se
Castor, Robert 36 nw
Davidson, Robert 11
Dugal, John 10 nw
Douglass, Michael 15 nw
Delany, Philip 25 nw
Douglass, William 22 e½ nw
Dille, Amos 21 pt ne


" ne cor se
Dille, Abraham L. 32 sw s½
Dille, Isaac Jr. 32 e pt se
Duner, Joseph 1 ne
Edgington, Jesse 17
Edgington, Isaac 17
Edgington, Margaret 22 sw
Edgington, Thomas 9 sw
Edsall, John 23 ne
Edgington, John 20
Edgington, Levi 20 ne


22 se
Edgington, Thomas 20 se
" 21 sw
" 22 w½ ne
Edsall, Samuel 32 e½ ne


33 nw cor nw
Finney, Robert 10 se


14 nw
Forbes, Libeus 32 n pt nw
Ferguson, Thomas 12 s pt sw
Ferguson, Isaac 12 s½ nw


" s pt sw
Gilkison, James M. 4 nw
Garton, Lorenzo 31 nw cor ne
Grant, Josiah 21 ne cor ne
Garton, Jonathan 31 n½ se


" sw cor ne
Garrison, Charles M. 28 e½ nw
" " n pt ne
" " pt nw
Herchfield, David 5 ne
Hall, Caleb 29 se
Huffman, Thomas 24 n½ se
Hedges, John 13 ne
" " ne cor sw
" " e pt nw
Hoover, George 27 ne
Hartipee, William 34 n½ ne
Johns, Benjamin 3 nw
" 4 ne
" 30 sw
" 31 sw
Irvin, John 15 sw
Jolly, Absalom 23 sw
Johnston, Daniel 34 se
Knott, Solomon 4 ne pt ne
Lindsey, Israel 31 e½ ne


" e½ se
Lewis, Samuel 34 nw
Lindhohn, Peter 28 w pt nw
Lewis, Jacob 35 ne
Logan, William 35 nw
Logan, Thomas 34 s½ ne
McCormick, Wm. 14 e side ne
McFadden, Samuel 9 se
McCrery, John 5 sw
McFadden, Samuel 10 sw
McFarland, James 25 s pt se
Marshall, John 19 ne
Marshall, David 14 se
Mitchell, David 29 sw
McCormick, John 14 w side ne
Mitchell, John 30 ne
Mitchel, Samuel 29 nw
Mickell, Samuel & David 30 e½ se


" w½ se
McColly, William 22 w½ nw
Millikin, John H. 33 se
Martin, John 28 se
McBride, James 13 se
Marshall, David 14 se
McCormick, John 14 ne
Roseberry, William 32 n pt
Marlow, Jeremiah 25 n pt se
Pitts, David 10 n pt se
Purdy, Patrick B. 4 sw
Preston, William 9 s½ nw
Paramour, john 8 se


8 s½ nw
Pitts, William 10 pt se
Pitts, William 15 n pt se
Pierce, Thomas " s pt se
Pitts, James 15 s pt ne
Pierce, Richard 27 e pt se
Pitts, James 15 n pt se
Poll, William 27 sw
Post, David 23 s½ sw
Post, Jeremiah 23 n½ nw
Post, Philip 23 se
Pierce, Richard 23 ne cor se
Pierce, Silas 24 ne cor se
Pollock, Hugh 12 n pt nw
Parker, Jacob 3 sw
Proctor, Richard 35 se
Potts, William " sw
Poll, John 34 sw
Purdy, James 3 pt se
Pitts, David " pt se
Reed, Adam 25 ne
Sweney, Ross (heirs of) 36 ne
Stewart, Charles 10 e½ ne
Stents, John 5 nw
Shaeffer, John 9 ne
Stewart, John 24 sw


23 pt ne
Sparks, Andrew 31 nw
Sweney, John 36 se
Trimble, David S. Esq. 1 w pt sw
Taylor, Frederick 28 se cor sw
Means, James 21 sw
Webster, William 28 e½ ne
Wolfe, Jacob 33 s pt sw
Wolfe, John " n pt sw
Wolfe, Jacob 33 s pt sw
Woods, James 30 nw
Woods, Andrew 32 e pt nw


32 w pt ne
Williams, Sarah 9
Welch, Joseph 1 nw
Williams, Thomas 2 se


11 ne
Woods, William 19 se


19 sw
Williams, John 2 pt se
Wells, Thomas 12 ne
Rice, John 4 ne

Reference Number = 1828 / 9488-9499

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